*Disclaimer: we do not buy or sell leads. This page is an overview of the health insurance lead generation industry.
The health insurance industry has undergone extensive changes over the past few years. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the industry has witnessed a fundamental shift in the way individuals acquire health insurance. Not only that, but the coverage itself and the repercussions of failing to buy a plan have changed as well. As the demand for health insurance continues to increase, the path for businesses and individuals acquiring health insurance plans remains a large challenge.
Health insurance is a booming vertical in the lead industry. As more people seek out coverage, insurance agents need to find a way to get in touch with these prospects. Additionally, because the Affordable Care Act leveled the playing field in terms of coverage options that insurance providers can/must provide, there is no longer a significant difference between providers. This removes most competitive advantages from individual providers and encourages them to seek new methods to acquire customers. This is where lead generation comes in. More and more insurance brokers are buying health insurance leads to supplement their marketing and client acquisition efforts. This is leaving a void in the marketplace for health insurance lead providers to fill.
Generating health insurance leads works similarly to any insurance vertical. However, there is only one time frame each year when individuals can purchase plans: during open enrollment. Health insurance is also a ping post-dominated vertical. So if you want to buy or sell health insurance leads, your lead distribution software needs advanced ping post features. If you are unsure whether your business needs ping post software or if your software is up to par, we would be glad to help. Feel free to contact us.
boberdoo.com is the leading provider of lead distribution software for companies in the lead generation and health insurance industry. Our ping post technology allows our clients to buy and sell health insurance leads in real-time and ensures that you maximize your revenue on every lead. Many of our clients use our software to sell health insurance leads in real time. Many more simply use boberdoo to purchase health insurance leads on a ping post basis in order to service the leads themselves. No matter what your needs are, we would be happy to work with you and determine exactly how boberdoo can help your business increase efficiency and revenue. Give us a call at 800-776-5646.
Our company builds lead distribution software for lead generation companies. We also have a few other services such as leadQC. We DO NOT SELL health insurance leads. If you are looking to purchase leads, please submit an inquiry and tell us who your current suppliers are and we can make introductions to boberdoo clients in that vertical.
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