MLM leads have a pretty bad image on the internet. The bottom line though is that thousands of consumers are interested in mlm products and there are mlm companies more than willing to buy mlm leads. The interesting thing about mlm leads is that they are fairly easy to get and there is not too much “criteria” about them. Our system normally works with applications like mortgage or insurance which can have several fields on an application tagged as criteria. mlm is basically straight forward with no criteria at all.
So why use the lead distribution software for mlm leads? Distribution and lead buyer management make our system shine with a lead like mlm leads. Most likely, you are or will be doing high volume with mlm leads because they are easier to acquire and sell for less money than other types of leads. Our system can handle volume with ease. Forget the hassles of sending out Excel files. Forget the hassles of dealing with people faxing in lead returns. Forget the hassles of using macros for accounting. The lead generation and management system can handle these hassles for you freeing your time to find more lead buyers and find more leads!

How To Do It
Generating MLM leads works the same way that most lead verticals do. You prompt the customer to either fill out a web form or call your marketed number and the lead is routed in real-time to one of your buyers. This will also work if you buy MLM leads from a 3rd party and resell them.
How boberdoo Can Help
The boberdoo system and it’s real-time lead distribution features are the standard in the industry. With the most advanced distribution options, custom deliveries to any CRM or LMS and a plethora of billing options, boberdoo provides a complete back end system for running not only your MLM lead vertical, but your entire lead business. If you are looking to upgrade your lead generation business or break into the MLM vertical, you can do no better than If you would like to discuss MLM leads or the boberdoo lead distribution system, please give us a call at 800-776-5646.
Our company builds lead distribution software for lead generation companies. We also have a few other services such as leadQC. We DO NOT SELL MLM leads. If you are looking to purchase leads, please submit an inquiry and tell us who your current suppliers are and we can make introductions to boberdoo clients in that vertical.