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Promote Your Business With Amazon Advertising

Amazon Is Huge

Amazon is a giant of a company, there’s no denying that. There is currently a race Amazon is involved in, to have the third largest yearly revenue for ads. Amazon advertising is expanding at a substantial rate, and it’s going after the third largest ad revenue spot behind Facebook and Google. Other companies such as Snapchat and Twitter are chipping away at the ad giants, but Amazon is projected to win. With Amazon transforming into an ad giant at a quick pace, it’s something that should be looked into for advertising.

amazon advertising boberdoo digital marketing ad revenue

Besides revenue, Amazon continues to expand in many different spaces. This company has single handedly taken over the consumer market as most of the population searches on Amazon first when looking for something to purchase. Amazon rivals Netflix and Hulu with it’s video streaming service, and adopted Twitch, which reaches the massive market of gamers. Audible the audio book giant is also owned by Amazon.

The Amazon Echo, and its fleet of other smart technologies, push themselves into the forefront of smart home technology. Home and Business Services by Amazon recently launched to help consumers find services in their area, such as fixing garage doors, or painting walls. Amazon is even trying to open their own line of checkout-less stores where you pay from your phone when you exit.

Anything you want to spend money on, legally, there’s a good chance Amazon has it. Robots for the home is currently the next venture Amazon is working on. The company is so large, you can’t miss it. That’s why Amazon advertising is an important platform to look at. All the millions of people who use Amazon could see your ad if you advertise there.

Amazon Cares About It’s Sellers

When a business already has a website for products or services, Amazon can be an additional channel to drive traffic. E-commerce is the heart of Amazon, so they make certain that their sellers are successful. There are multiple ways that Amazon allows sellers to use their platform, such as:

  • selling goods, services and apps
  • advertising products on and off Amazon
  • self-publishing books

The AAP (Amazon Advertising Platform) allows sellers to advertise on Amazon, across the web and through mobile apps. This platform also provides help to set up quality advertising tools such as landing pages, leadpages and different types of ads(display, banner, interstitial, and video). The landing pages are created by collaborating with Amazon, until an acceptable page or ad is created by their standards. These pages on your website can direct users to the Amazon listing for your product or service.

Amazon also will help create a lead generation page for your website to get users to sign up for newsletters or demos. Using the accepted Amazon ads, promotions for products or services will be seen on third party sites across the web. Amazon also has an advertising API to optimize large campaign sets for you. Ads from Amazon across the web are statistically trusted more than other sites, therefore using ads though Amazon can help display campaigns.

How To Advertise Effectively With Amazon Advertising

Amazon Marketing Services

There are a wide variety of methods to use with advertising on Amazon. Using data and algorithms, Amazon attempts to push PPC products in front of the right consumers for the best possible ROI. Amazon Marketing Services house all PPC ads, which come in three different types.

Headline Search Ads - Includes a group of products with a logo and headline on top of a search page. When the banner itself is clicked, the user is directed to a seller created page with multiple products featured on it. Otherwise, when a specific product on the banner is clicked, the user is sent to that product’s page instead.

headline search ad on Amazon

Sponsored Product Ads- These products are placed above or within a listing of other products. Sponsored product ads are displayed based only on keyword searches.

boberdoo amazon sponsored products

Product Display Ads - These appear on multiple pages and target the interests of a user and similar products the user views. They are like sponsored product ads, but they don’t rely on keywords for search.

product display ad on Amazon

Buy Box - The buy box is found on the right side of the screen on a product page, and brings up the same item from a different seller. When looking at a specific product, most Amazon users will buy what’s in the buy box. The box is tempting because it shows the same product but oftentimes with a lower price or free shipping.

buy box on Amazon

Other Advertising Methods On Amazon

  • Amazon Alexa skill Different companies, like boberdoo, create third party apps that users can tell Alexa to use. Alexa currently doesn’t use ads, but Amazon is working on a way to distribute them without being annoying to the buyer.
  • Reviews  Sometimes Amazon is used just for product reviews and consumers will buy the product somewhere else instead. Good reviews will convince consumers to buy one brand over the other frequently, whether it’s on Amazon or not.
  • Different add-ons AMZDiscover is an external tool that grabs public contact info for the reviewers of similar products. Using this add-on, it’s possible to contact reviewers and ask for reviews on your product or service. Seller Logic is a tool for optimizing products to win the buy box spot. If you want your products in the buy box,  then this tool will help your products get there. Many add-ons are found by searching around the internet, and can be helpful when optimizing Amazon advertising strategies.
  • Lightning Deals These are time sensitive deals that help to push products. Amazon sends out the deal to the buyer with a timer attached to it. In order to get the deal, the buyer needs to purchase the product before the promotional period is over. This is a good strategy for selling a bulk of your inventory, or to get reviews by selling to many people.
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Amazon continues to grow with the different markets, which allows them to be present in different spaces. boberdoo has been working closely with digital marketers since 2001. Although most of our clients are lead generation companies, we're constantly building new content to help marketers. Join our newsletter above to stay in the loop with all things digital marketing!

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