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AWS QuickSight Use Cases Part 2

Written by Beata Borzasi | Feb 6, 2019 5:00:00 PM

Use Case #2: Drilling-down into massive data

(Part 1)

Understand the Challenge

Your Best Leads LLC (YBL) is dealing with 2 million leads on a daily basis, as well as managing efficient email campaigns involving 8 different verticals, 10 ISPs, 20 ESPs, and hundreds of creatives. That is quite a bit of work for the marketing team, especially without the necessary information at hand.

YBL’s main pains point are:

  • Running SQL queries takes too much time - sometimes hours

  • Excel crashes under large datasets

  • Current reporting requires too much maintenance 

  • Reports themselves don't allow for users to drill down on outlier data points and overall it's not very interactive/intuitive when trying to optimize or analyze campaigns

Suggested High Level Solution

Companies are often forced to write long and complex ad-hoc SQL queries or manually send spreadsheets to each other to share data and insights. This is not only time consuming, but also highly inefficient, as static tables need to be sent back and forth whenever updated and often employees get lost within the numbers. Reports become unreliable, while decisions are harder and riskier to take.

With QuickSight’s serverless architecture, you can share automatically updated, detailed and interactive dashboards with all your users, allowing them to drill-down and explore the data to answer ad-hoc questions and gain relevant insights.

1. Connect YBL’s database to QuickSight

Figure 1. AWS Data Sources

QuickSight allows you to directly connect to and import data from a wide variety of cloud and on-premises data sources. These include SaaS applications such as Salesforce, Square, ServiceNow, Twitter, Github, and JIRA; 3rd party databases such as Teradata, MySQL, Postgres, and SQL Server; native AWS services such as Redshift, Athena, S3, RDS, and Aurora; and private VPC subnets. You can also upload a variety of file types, including Excel, CSV, JSON, and Presto.

Figure 2. High Level Architecture of an AWS QuickSight Environment

2. SPICE it up

With SPICE (super-fast, parallel, in-memory, calculation engine), QuickSight’s in-memory calculation engine, you can achieve the best performance at scale currently available on the market. SPICE automatically understands your data and replicates it in a way that allows thousands of users to simultaneously create fast, interactive analysis while saving you time and resources.

Figure 3. SPICE Architecture

3. Create Dashboards

Once you choose the desired data sources and connected them to QuickSight, you can go ahead and build your own dashboards. We suggest starting with the most often used reports and charts, and then add the drill down feature to it.

Checkout the videos below and learn more about QuickSight.

Overview (1 minute)

Billing Data Example (5 minutes)

The boberdoo system is always looking for new integrations to help lead generators spend their time wisely. Implementing AWS QuickSight is one of many examples of how we strive for excellence in our flexible lead distribution system. Could boberdoo be right for you? Click the banner above to learn about more features that could assist your business in all areas of lead distribution.