Why You Should Be Using a Home Improvement Emergency Line
It’s 2:30 in the morning and you wake up to a surging electrical sound coming from an outlet down the hall. You get out of bed and feel the ‘squish’ of the water soaked carpet. Not only is your house experiencing an electrical meltdown, but a pipe burst and is leaking water as well.
You've got a bit of a problem!!

Your plan of action: call a home improvement emergency line and get an electrician and plumber to your house ASAP. The only problem is, you don't know any electricians or plumbers, especially ones that are available at this time of the night. Your next step is to jump on Google and search "24 hour plumber + your zip code." Your search results display several numbers that you can call to get the services you need right away.
Now let’s step out of your water-soaked bedtime slippers and into your business attire. As a lead generation expert working in the home improvement vertical, you’re familiar with this situation. Things can go wrong in a home at the worst possible time and the average homeowner needs a number to call to get emergency services to their home immediately. That’s where you come in. By providing your customers with a home improvement emergency line and routing it through your lead distribution system, you are not only helping your customers in their time of need, you are also adding an important element to your business.
How Do I Set Up An Emergency Line Campaign?
Although there is certainly more than one way to set up a successful home improvement emergency line campaign, we would like to share one strategy that can help you get your campaign off the ground.
Step 1
Design an ad campaign specifically for your home improvement emergency line.
Step 2
Only market your emergency line during 'emergency hours', for example: 10:00 pm to 4:00 am. Not only does this allow you to advertise at only the most relevant times, but it's also a time with the least amount of advertising competition. This means more clicks/calls for less money.
Step 3
Utilize search and social advertising platforms that allow you to restrict your advertising to your specific emergency hours. For example, with Google Adwords you can display your ad at the exact times you request. You can also utilize this practice with any other advertising service that allows time-of-day scheduling.
Step 4
Sell and route the calls to your contractors with the same logic as during work hours. However, because contractors charge more for providing emergency services, they can likely buy the call at a higher price. This allows you to charge a premium for all calls that are routed through your home improvement emergency line.
These same principles apply to any emergency or off-hours line. Although emergency service lines tend to mesh well with the home improvement vertical, they can still be used wherever necessary and can help you build not only a stronger customer pool, but also an additional revenue stream.
The boberdoo.com lead distribution system comes equipped with all the functionality you need to build a home improvement emergency line into your business. You can add as many 800 numbers as you need or even sell leads at different prices on your existing number, depending on the time of day or day of week. If you would like to learn more about how you can use the boberdoo system to help optimize your business, feel free to call us at 800-776-5646 or click the Contact Us tab.

boberdoo.com has been building lead distribution systems exclusively since 2001. Our experience in the lead industry has helped us create solutions for virtually every lead generation need that you may have. We are confident that the boberdoo system is the perfect solution to meet your lead distribution needs. Feel free to contact us to learn more.