I wish I could tell you that things are warming up soon, but the sad truth is that, for all the warm in the summer, we've gotta take the cooler weather in the winter. The same principle applies to sales. No matter how hard a salesperson tries, they can't be their most successful unless they handle both warm markets and cold markets. Staying involved in all different lead generation methods is time consuming, tiring, and very rewarding. Read on to find out where your health insurance sales leads can come from, whether you're warming up cold customers or working with people you know:

Warm Market
Developing trust is a huge part of any salesman’s career, so being able to skip past this part is a huge timesaver. A warm market is made up of people whom you already have a relationship with: brothers, mothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, neighbors, you name it. Even the people that you frequently see in the grocery store can count for this. What matters is that you’ve already developed a rapport, which allows you to sell more openly and candidly than with a stranger. Luckily, building a warm market isn’t just for sales - it’s a tool from your life (don’t we all want trust from our friends and associates?) that you can employ to boost your sales.
Cold Market
The cold market is where your sales skills really shine, and there are tons of avenues to reach out to people who don’t know you yet:
Direct Mail
By buying a list from a list broker, you can find a huge audience for your sales. By mailing a letter or a postcard with a return slip, you can make it convenient for people searching for health insurance options to get in touch with you.
Web Lead Generation
The classic that many, if not most of our boberdoo clients work with, web lead generation is quick and easy. Get a website, a form, and a great lead distribution software, and your cold leads will start rolling in.
Networking is greeted warmly by some and dreaded by others, but with all of the options available, any salesperson could find his or her best leads in any different medium. Lots of people prefer to network in person, by going to conventions, networking events, or even meetings for local groups like Habitat for Humanity or a local church.
For others who may not want to step that far out, online networking is not only possible, but it’s very effective. For example, check out our guide on Finding Sales Leads on LinkedIn, and see just how easy it is to reach out to people via social media. This also works well for internet forums, if you can find the right ones.
Finally, whether you’re working in a warm or cold market for your health insurance sales leads, always ask for referrals. Referrals bridge the gap between cold marketing and and warm marketing, and build trust before you even begin to interact. They are an integral part of any salesperson's strategy, and by no means should this be skipped.
If you need help with your web lead generation, lead distribution, or outbound email marketing for your health insurance sales leads, try boberdoo. Click the banner above to request a demo, or give us a call at 800-776-5646.