It has been one week since LeadsCon and the dust has settled, now is the perfect time to evaluate if you met your LeadsCon agenda. LeadsCon is a great place to improve existing relationships that are typically managed over the phone or email and also to forge new relationships to grow your business, but it is easy to evaluate the ROI of a conference on potential business instead of actual business. While in some cases a detailed analysis is not needed, you do not need to be an excel guru to figure out the ROI on $5244 to give away Girl Scout cookies, but in many cases those new relationships that looked so promising never come to fruition. It is important for your lead generation company to do a post-analysis on conferences and trade shows to ensure you are not wasting money. All that being said, LeadsCon is one of the few targeted conferences for the lead generation industry and still can provide many opportunities to grow your business. Below is a self-grading of our own LeadsCon agenda, check it out and see how it compares to yours.'s LeadsCon Agenda
- Identify new prospects. This is why we were all there in Las Vegas, right? Well, at least most of us. At the top of our LeadsCon agenda was to identify new companies that could benefit from the lead and call distribution options we offer. We achieved our goal, with over 40 companies expressing interest in our services. Of course we are always happy to help any company improve their lead business so if you know of anyone that could benefit from our lead distribution software, please send them our way...B+
- Meet existing clients. We knocked it out of the park with this one. LeadsCon has always been a time for us to get to know our clients and their business in greater detail but 2014 was the Year of the boberdoo Client. We had the opportunity to personally meet almost 25% of our clients and were able to explore custom solutions to help improve their business with many of them. Our time and expertise is not limited to LeadsCon however, so if you would like to discuss any issues you may face and what solutions we can provide, please do not hesitate to open a ticket or just give us a call at 800-776-5646...A
- Meet with previously identified prospects. Well, we did not excel with this one. LeadsCon is supposed to be a time to seal the deal, and to be honest, we fell a little short here. While we did have some quality meetings with prospects, we were stood up for 3, count them, 3 meetings. When it came to meeting selection, Monty Python would say, "You have chosen poorly." But I guess you have to expect that, being in Vegas and it being the lead industry...B-
- Explore what's new in the lead business. Never one to stand still, we work hard to make sure your system stays on the forefront of technology while maintaining the ease-of-use you have come to expect from We were excited to show off our new Form Builder and WordPress plugin, which was very well received, and check out what other companies had to offer. Like all LeadsCons, the speakers and sessions provided great information but we learned the most in the exhibit hall, talking with you and exploring your issues. We have been building solutions to lead generation problems since 2001 so do not hesitate to contact us...B+
- Break even at the tables. Hahahaha. Between the Venetian and the Palazzo changing the odds on blackjack to my awful luck from a gypsy curse, the closest I came to even was in between landing and getting my luggage...F

We hope you had a successful and enjoyable LeadsCon 2014 and look forward to meeting you again, either at upcoming LeadsCon East or next year! But before you book your ticket, give some thought to your LeadsCon agenda and ensure it makes "cents." produces lead distribution systems that allow you to track, manage, route and bill leads based on custom business rules you create.