The Features That Will Make Open Enrollment 2015 A Success
Open enrollment for the 2015 year is less than two weeks away and experts are predicting a large increase in total enrollments over last year’s figures. Working in the health insurance vertical, I’m sure you haven't forgotten last year’s botched ACA rollout. However with fully operational, more people will be able to search for and purchase health insurance plans this year. Not only that, but the penalty for not having insurance increases this year, which is certainly meant to drive more individuals to buy new plans. Finally, many pre-ACA plans that were grandfathered in last year will soon end. This will force many more individuals to purchase plans during open enrollment. There is no question that demand for health insurance will increase for open enrollment 2015, but will your business be ready to handle it? In order to take full advantage of this year’s open enrollment period, your business needs these 4 things.

1. Ping Post Software
Health insurance leads are almost exclusively bought and sold on a ping post basis. If you are a veteran in the health insurance vertical, you are probably already utilizing ping post capabilities. For those of you who are not, now is the time to make the switch. Not only does ping post provide you benefits on both the buying and selling end, but also buyers and sellers alike are becoming less willing to do business with companies that aren't using ping post.
2. System That Can Handle Volume
Having ping post software is essential, but having a system that can handle high amounts of traffic is just as important. Many ping post systems on the market can only handle low volume activity. While your business may be able to get by with a volume-limiting system for some of the year, the influx of leads during the open enrollment period will not only give you headaches, but it will lose you money. As traffic floods in starting on November 15, your system needs to be able to handle all of the traffic you are generating instead of punishing you for doing what you do best: getting leads.
3. Call Routing
Although its not absolutely necessary to utilize phone routing in the health insurance vertical, it will certainly help you take full advantage of open enrollment 2015. By utilizing call routing, you can capitalize on the preferences of your customers and ensure that everyone that wants to submit a lead can do so in the method of their choosing. Even if you’re not an experienced call seller, intuitive call routing solutions like allow you to order 800 numbers from within the system and immediately start marketing them.
4. Advanced Filtering Options
During open enrollment, timely customer service is a must. As individuals shop around and look for the best insurance plan, they expect to quickly be contacted by providers that can directly cover their needs. Because of this, lead sellers need the ability to intelligently filter leads based on specific fields and instantly connect the lead to the correct service provider. Without this feature, you not only lack the ability to match the lead with the most appropriate buyer(s), but you also forfeit the chance to maximize your revenue on every lead you sell.
The 4 features outlined above will allow you and your health insurance lead business to take full advantage of open enrollment 2015. If you currently lack any of the capabilities listed above, can be of assistance. Our lead distribution software comes out-of-the-box with ping post, call routing and advanced filtering capabilities that are sure take your business to the next level. On top of that, the boberdoo system can handle volume like no other software on the market. Our clients process over 7 million inbound pings per day which result in well over a million leads sold to nearly 150,000 buyers each and every day. If you would like to learn more about what boberdoo can do for your business, feel free to give us a call at 800-776-5646 or click the red Contact Us tab.

boberdoo has been building lead distribution systems since 2001. Our call routing, real-time lead distribution and ping post solutions remain the standard in the industry and continue to help hundreds of lead generators, media companies and advanced publishers grow. There are hundreds of things to worry about when running a lead business. Your lead distribution shouldn't be one of them.