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December 2014 Newsletter (Part 1)

12/10/2014 Newsletter

Welcome to the boberdoo.com newsletter! The holiday season is in full swing, but we're sure you didn’t need a reminder. This time of the year can bring you a whole new set of opportunities, challenges and that one person that won’t stop leaving not-so-subtle reminders of what they hope to find under the tree. At boberdoo, we embrace the chaos that the holiday season can bring to a lead business and have developed multiple features to help you deal with the breaks from the routine that the holiday season brings.  GO TO BOBERDOO.COM

Tip Of The Day

Did you know that the boberdoo system can route leads and calls in the UK and Australia based on the lead's geographic location?

Geographic Lead Routing


Christmas Lights

Don’t Let The Holiday Season Disrupt Your Lead Flow

Simply put, the holiday season presents a total break from your traditional business routine. From the drastic change in customer behavior to the avalanche of vacation days taken by both your employees as well as your clients, your lead flow can turn into a total mess. However, there are solutions to automate and efficiently manage your lead flow even during the holiday season.


* * * Customer Spotlight * * *

This section is devoted to helping our clients find opportunities with other boberdoo.com users.

This month we introduce: Pinpoint Prospects

Geographic Lead Routing

Pinpoint Prospects is a lead generation and data management company leading the industry in Debt Settlement, Student Loan Consolidation, Auto Warranty, Pain Cream and many other verticals. While supplying our clients with quality web calls, live transfers, posts and some of the best data in the industry, we are always looking to build new relationships with both buyers and sellers. Visit our website at www.pinpointprospects.com and contact us at 888-701-4312 or email sales@pinpointprospects.com for additional information. We look forward to doing business together!

Ad Tech London

What Ad Tech Taught Us About The International Market

Ad Tech London gave us a bit of a shell shock as to how lead generation is done overseas. You may be surprised by what opportunities are available.

Performance Based Marketing

Which Performance Based Marketing Methods Can Reduce Your Company’s Risk?

CPM and CPC dominate much of the internet marketing discussion. However, the true perormance based marketing heros are CPL and CPA.


boberdoo ACADEMY 2015

We will be hosting an in-depth training session in our Chicago office for anyone interested in learning the boberdoo system inside and out. It will give you a chance to master the system through an intensive, hands-on course led by our experienced team in Chicago. We would like to gauge interest and determine a date as soon as possible. If you or anyone from your team is interested in this unique training opportunity, please contact us.

about icon

boberdoo.com has been building lead distribution systems since 2001. Our clients sell every kind of lead under the sun from home improvement to payday and everything in between. Some only sell internet leads. Some only sell phone calls. Others sell both. The goal of this newsletter is to try and keep our clients updated on the latest trends in the industry as well as features within their boberdoo.com system they may not know about. If you have an idea for a topic, please let us know.

Automating and improving the lead generation industry since 2001

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