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Start 2020 Off Right With An Onboarding Refresh!

A new year, a new you. Or perhaps it’s a new lead generation business, or maybe an old business but with a new person. Whatever the new year holds for you and your leads, start it off right with a refresh and reacquaint yourself with our onboarding process.



Need a reminder on how to set up a source? Can't remember what the difference is between a vendor and a buyer or how to submit a ticket for the kind of support you need/questions you have? Visit us at boberdoo.com for detailed content available on all of these topics and more. And now, to better support your onboarding and business needs, we are adding four calls to our onboarding agenda each week to help cover these topics for both our new and our long-time clients.

But before we get to all that is new, if just a quick reminder is what you need, check out our Knowledge Base on boberdoo.com. We have articles and an extensive video library available on our website that will run you through some of the basics when it comes to your leadsystem, including everything from setting up sources, vendors, and partners (buyers), to submitting tickets and running reports or setting your favorite reports to run on a timed basis. We also have all of our previous webinars available to view, as well.

And for what’s new in 2020, we are going to be starting four weekly onboarding sessions! Each week, Monday through Thursday, between 12:00 and 1:00 central time, you can dial in and join us for a real-time training call and a review of the functions and features of the boberdoo leadsystem. During the sessions we will guide you through:

  • Setting up your SMTP (and what SMTP is)
  • Data Retention
  • Sources, vendors, partners
  • Tickets
  • Reports
  • Webhooks
  • Closing the feedback loop


Also, be sure to check our boberdoo U page, where you will find our current webinar schedule and can register for any of our scheduled classes. We also host webinars every week to help understand the system better. If you are a new client, or you have someone new to your business who could use a crash course on our leadsystem, a good place to start is our Ten Things boberdoo Users Should Know webinar, and once you start processing leads through your system we highly recommend our unmatched leads webinar.

Whether you are a long-time client or one who is brand new, onboarding benefits everyone, so make sure you are up-to-date and knowledgeable about all that is available for you in your boberdoo leadsystem and join us for a webinar (or two)!

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