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Open Enrollment 2022 | No Lead Left Behind

The month of November often brings to mind images of family gatherings and maybe a little snow, depending on where you live. It is also the month for open enrollment. If you work in the Health Insurance space, you probably already know that the open enrollment period means an increased volume in your lead traffic, which can be a very good thing. It can also become a liability if you don’t stay on top of everything that is happening with your business. We here at boberdoo have a couple of good tips that can help you during this busy time.

With boberdoo, you already have access to the reports in your system, but how about setting up a timed report or two to ensure that your volume and ping to post ratio are where they should be during this busy time of year.


We suggest segmenting your day, running at least two reports during business hours, You can even add additional times in the early morning and late evening hours. The reports we recommend running are:


  • Incoming pings by source (to refine your traffic and optimize margins)
  • Incoming pings by lead type (for overall volume and to estimate tiers for monthly volume)


Remember that all reports are able to be set up as timed reports. It’s vital information you need, and you may even get a little time back in your busy day!

To find out more, check out our webinar below about open enrollment for more tips on handling open enrollment like a champ.



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