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How Ping Post Saves Money When Buying Insurance Leads

In the world of insurance leads, demand is constantly high. Lead generators of all shapes and sizes are finding leads all over, and lead aggregators can’t generate all of the leads they need on their own. When you’re buying insurance leads, they can make up your entire lead pool, or just fill in the cracks that your organic generation isn’t filling. Either way, it’s important to be smart with not just what you buy, but how you buy it. Be sure to keep in mind:

buying insurance leads boberdoo.com

You’re not getting these exclusively

Customers asking for insurance quotes are going to be hearing from multiple insurance companies about their products. Because there’s a demand across the market for these leads, and multiple buyers means that demand can fluctuate, static pricing can be troublesome. You’ll be running low on leads if your buying prices stay too low, and you don’t want to pay above market price just because it’s hard to constantly manage static prices. Buying insurance leads with a ping post system means your prices can change dynamically to match the market and ensure you’re paying the least amount possible for your leads.

You’re safer using ping post

Okay, so you’re not exactly safer, but the quality of your lead is! Because of the two-way communication between yourself and the seller in a ping post system, you can get some of the demographic information to make sure that the lead is something you want. Compare this to the one-shot nature of standard lead buying, where you could wind up with leads outside of your target market, resulting in not just a bad contact, but money out of your pocket, too. For more information, read this informative post by our founder, Brad Seiler: How Ping Post Protects All Stakeholders in the Lead Generation Industry.

Download Our Ping Post Whitepaper
So when you’re buying insurance leads, don’t just focus on the leads themselves; the system you use is worth examining, too. If you’re not using ping post, but would like to see exactly how it can save you money, check out our Basics of Ping Post whitepaper above. You can also contact us at 800-776-5646, or just click the red Contact Us tab on the side of the page. We here at boberdoo have been developing lead generation systems for over a decade, and we have one of the most advanced ping post systems on the market. Let us help you get the most out of your leads today!

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