We often like to spread the narrative that you can just find a ping post service, set it up with your CRM, and you’re off to a brighter future. But if you don’t take some time to do research, you might not like the results. When you’re looking for the best ping post service for your needs, here are a couple of things to look out for:

Duplicate Checking
There’s nothing more awkward than selling a lead to a buyer and finding a refund request waiting for you the next day. If you’re adamant about keeping your lead quality up and your buyers happy, make sure your ping post service has a duplicate check built in. That way, whether you’re selling 100 or 100,000 leads per day, you can make sure that your buyers will keep up your business.
Dynamic Pricing, and Then Some
We always talk about the benefits of dynamic pricing in ping post, but that’s really a fundamental part of ping post anyways. Any ping post service will have dynamic pricing. Only the best ones, though, will take it to the next level. That means prices that change depending on exclusivity and content. A good ping post service will determine the most cost-effective way to sell a lead, exclusively or non-exclusively, and filter leads by their content to make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck every time.
Source Protection
Growing your ping post network is the best thing you can do for your business. Finding new buyers and sellers opens up opportunities for revenue all over the place. But there are some issues when your network gets too big. What happens if, say, you sell to a buyer, who sells that lead again, and then that lead gets sold right back to you? These loops can happen as lead networks get sufficiently large, and the results can range from frustrating to expensive. If you can find a ping post service with source protection, you can say goodbye to problems like this and make sure your network is running smoothly.