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Scale Your Buyers By Automating Your Onboarding Process

Did you know that your lead system has a signup page that can be enabled and customized to completely automate the onboarding of a lead buyer? To set this up, go to your default signup page: https://yourleadsystem.leadportal.com/signup


In order for a partner to receive leads, they must have:
  1.  An active account
  2.  Available funds
  3.  A matching filter set
This default signup covers 2 of these 3, account creation and taking the partner's credit card. There is a lot of variance in filter sets, what individual clients want to ask their partners vs what they want to set as defaults so that is not included. We can customize the signup page to ask whatever filter questions and set defaults for the rest so the partner can go live in your system via the link.
Customize My Signup*Automated onboarding is NOT a substitute for vetting lead buyers. We strongly suggest verifying lead buyers to make sure they should be receiving lead data before setting them active. Please consult with your counsel.


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