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Smart Home Marketing And Home Improvement

Smart Homes Are Changing The Market

It’s interesting to be alive during a time of such advanced technology, even to the point of shoes that send text messages. The term, “smart home” has a massive buzz around it that continues to gain more attention, and smart home marketing should be utilized. If you are unfamiliar, a smart home is a house that has smart technology implemented into it. You can control appliances with your smartphone or voice.

Smart home marketing boberdoo home improvment

There’s a wide variety of household objects that are now able to be used by just talking. It seems like everything is becoming smart, including: cars, garage doors, lights, fans, doorbells, security systems, toasters, vacuums, and even sprinklers. The big reasons consumers are looking to smart technology are the money they save through energy efficiency, the security they feel at home, as well as the convenience of it all.

This is just the beginning, as there are smart products being created as we speak. Smart kitchens seem to be the trend on the horizon, with smart ovens that you can tell to preheat, or burners on stoves that you can tell to turn on simmer.

Home Improvement Tie In

So, what does this have to do with home improvement? Smart homes are becoming extremely popular. The pull of consumers wanting them in their homes is increasing. Half of renovators are making smart upgrades & 1/10 homes have 5 devices post renovation.  The annual growth rate of smart homes are expected to increase on average of 14.9%. The number of homes in 2018 that have smart technology is at 32%, and is expected to increase to 53% by 2022. That’s a lot of installation.

Running campaigns using smart home marketing, to find those who want to install smart technology could generate leads. “Alexa, tell the iron to turn on so I can strike it.”

Amazonian Takeover

There are many use cases when it comes to smart technology (also call The Internet of Things). Take an object or appliance who’s purpose could be tracked or become more convenient, that could become smart tech. Businesses are even using beacons to send tailored coupons to consumers’ smartphones when they walk by the store.

One use case for smart tech could be finding a handyman, or a place to get your haircut. With the echo being an Amazon product, who’s to say they won’t combine Home Services with the devices? For those of you who don’t know, Amazon Home Services was just rolled out in April, and allows users to purchase services the same way they purchase Amazon products.

This potentially could hurt lead generation companies, when its as easy as users saying, “Hey Alexa, call a handyman.” Now, not everyone is going to use their smart devices to find someone to fix the sink, but it’s something that lead generation companies should be aware of in the future.

Smart Home Marketing Is Important For Home Improvement Lead Generators

Smart homes are a newer industry that is overlapping home improvement. This means less competitive keywords in a less established market. So, talk to your buyers and find the ones who provide smart home installation services. The home improvement lead industry used to be primarily replacing windows and flooring, but new technology will likely expand it to include home security, home networking and more. 62% of Americans think security is the best reason for having a smart home.  Whether those constitute an expansion of the HI vertical, or new verticals of their own, HI lead generators should definitely take note, and start thinking about smart home marketing.

Here at boberdoo we are aware of the changing landscape that comes with smart technologies, and have even done research on what it takes to create an Alexa Skill.

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