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This feature allows you to search for leads that have been exported to AWS S3 directly from your boberdoo system.
If you have an S3 account, reprocessing the leads will call S3, populate the field with that data, and clean the data for you as well. If you want to reprocess your leads after they have been cleaned, then you will need S3.
Lead S3 Merge:
On this page you have two options. For a specific lead type, you can either merge your leads by month or year, otherwise you can select a specific partner and merge that partner's leads for a specific lead type. From this page, you can see the status of the request and the file location in your S3 account for both options. The S3 file merge page will give them the exact file name and location in their bucket to retrieve.
There is not a way to use your account. Once you get control of the account, you can bring it into your AWS organization. There is no way to merge accounts, but one account can easily access many. We use 9 different accounts for boberdoo, for example.
● Log in to AWS console as admin user or user with billing permissions.
● Navigate to Services > Billing.
● Only lead data
● We recommend setting up the admin leads report on a timed basis to be deliveried to your amazon s3 count.
Cloudformation is a tool boberdoo uses to install the various parts that are needed in AWS. Part of that is creating the access keys for search and for update. These are only available in your account.©copyright 2025 boberdoo.com LLC | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | DMCA Policy | Sitemap