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Setting Up A Lead Buyer


In the boberdoo system, lead buyers (or Partners) govern all of your outgoing leads and must be correctly set up by you before any leads are sold. For your buyers to be eligible to receive leads, you must set up 3 things: an active account, an active and matching filter set and available funds.

Creating A Buyer Account

Before you configure your buyer to purchase leads, you need to create their Partner account. Read our full tutorial on creating a partner account.

Once saved, your Partner will go into a Not Active status. Before selling leads to this buyer, you must click the Not Active button to activate the Partner account.

Creating Sub-Partners (Optional)

If you wish to create sub-partner, click the Add Sub-Partner subtab and fill out the corresponding company information. Sub-partners are treated the same as any other lead buyer, but the lead distribution and billing are handled under the umbrella of the parent partner account.

Adding Filter Sets

The most important part of setting up a buyer account is creating filter sets. Filter sets are the custom business rules that determine exactly which leads the individual lead buyer can purchase and at what price. To add a filter set, first select a partner and access the Lead Filter Sets. Next, select the correct lead type from the dropdown and click the + sign. From here you can do things like set the lead price, select the SRCs that this buyer accepts, attach custom deliveries and filter by a number of parameters that are specific to each lead type. To learn more about adding filter sets, watch here.

setting up a lead buyer


Adding Funds To Their Account

Finally, you must set up your buyer’s billing structure. From the Invoicing/Billing tab you can see all of your billing options. You can allow your partner to buy on credit and set a credit limit, which allows their account to go negative. You can also set up automated re-billing or monthly recurring charges, which is integrated with authorize.net CIM. Finally, you can manually add funds to your partners’ accounts from the transactions tab. Once your partner has available funds, they will be eligible to receive leads.

setting up a lead buyer

The boberdoo system allows you to configure each of your lead buyers on an individual basis. This allows you the flexibility of creating filter sets and setting up billing on a partner-by-partner basis. For more information on the boberdoo system, visit our video library. From there you can view all of our walk through and ‘How To’ videos. 

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