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boberdoo 5.19 Update: Your Perfect Partner for a Productive Summer!

Greetings, boberdoo users! As we soak up the summer sun, we've also been hard at work, and we're thrilled to bring some warmth and vitality to your boberdoo experience! We're excited to announce the arrival of our 5.19 update - it's finally here! Check out our changelog if you would like to see all the specifics. 5.19 isn't just another update; it's an upgrade that will make your system feel as rejuvenating as a cool summer breeze. So, let's dive in!


If you are a programmer, you probably already knew this was coming. For this update, we implemented PHP 8 to optimize systems and bring all systems to current practices. That being said, PHP also is a massive part of our custom deliveries, so if you build your custom deliveries and use the Hardcode PHP section, please open a ticket so we can advise on your setup to be sure that it aligns with PHP 8.

UI Updates

Refund Cancel

For this update, we have a custom partner sign-up page redesign! If you want a more user-friendly experience for your partner sign-up page, open a ticket and let us know! Otherwise, we are striving towards making boberdoo a more user-friendly experience. We even have an excellent UX designer on our team now, so be on the lookout for more friendly changes. We are also looking out more for our mobile users, including optimizing radio buttons for mobile. We also added an option for admins to revert a processed refund, to make that situation much more accessible. 

Reports & Webhooks

There are also some new optimizations to both tabs, including a webhook to Slack integration, updated webhook history and logs, and a killswitch for timed reports! Some new reports and webhooks include Pings and Posts By Day Source and value added to Block List.

Phone Routing

For those of you that utilize phone routing in the boberdoo system, you'll appreciate that IPv6 is now supported for all lead types! Also, The show call recordings link in your client's admin was added by default. As many of you know, phone swapping has been retired, and our phone wizard got a makeover, go check it out!

phone wizard

Outside Services

The LeadQC algorithm had some general improvements in this update, as did the lead provider codes for Jornaya! We also have new processing options for outside services for them to always run even if a lead does not match and for handling rejects with a custom response. 

APIs & Custom Deliveries

Hourly limits were added to insertUpdateFilterset, and new limits were added for updatePartnerSettings. We also have some brand new APIs, updateLeadCost and updateLeadPrice. Some recent custom delivery updates include ageFromDOBDecimal, getToken, agefromDOB, sendCurl, and call duration, which have been added to the getLeadDetails API.

Miscellaneous Updates

Other than some miscellaneous bug fixes, the phone field in the partner account has been made optional, and the United States has been set as their default. Sales rep email characters have been extended for those extra-long names. The source wizard has a new function! Return Lead Cost! The filter list export function has improved formatting, and you can now adjust bids based on empty values in filters with extra fee. 

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