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How To Manipulate The Post Order Of Your Ping Tree

While the lead system's default logic (like best revenue scenario) will account for 90%+ of use cases, there may come a time where you want to change the order of partners that a lead post is attempted. Well, using fake post price is definitely the solution to your problem! 

How Fake Post Price Works

We ping the buyers simultaneously, but post leads sequentially. This is a non-exclusive delivery and goes through each buyer to accept or deny the lead until the lead is matched with a buyer in the line. When the first buyer rejects, the next best scenario is recalculated, and as long as it is greater than the bid returned to the vendor, the lead continues to be reprocessed. 

This is where fake post price comes in. It allows you to manipulate the order for when posts are attempted. For example, when someone has a high post reject rate, you would attempt them first, because if the post is rejected, the system recalculates the next best revenue scenario and only sells the lead if the bid is greater than what was returned to the vendor. The best revenue scenario is based on the fake post price, to see if anyone bites for that price. You can use an absolute value or percentage of the actual bid price. You can also put higher-paying buyers first to see if they accept the lead for the higher price.

Use Cases

Anyone can use fake post price, but the ones that should be extra interested in what it can do are:

  • Companies that arbitrage leads to their partners
  • Companies that sell both exclusive and non-exclusive leads
  • With buyers who have a high post reject rate  
  • Anyone who needs to manipulate the order of the sequential post

Requirements To Set Up Fake Ping/Post Price

Fake Ping/Post must be enabled in your system first. Scenarios must also be enabled.

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