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April 2014 Newsletter

April 2014 Newsletter


We really enjoyed meeting our clients (both existing and soon-to-be) in person and exploring new ways in which we can help improve your lead business.  Below are some thoughts on LeadsCon 2014, both for those of you that could not make it and those of you who cannot remember...

Lessons From LeadsCon 2014

Well, we learned that I cannot roll a hard ten to save my life.  LeadsCon is a unique opportunity to to meet with existing clients and prospects, explore new business opportunities and learn about the latest issues facing the lead generation industry. We are grateful for the opportunity to meet many of our clients that we typically only communicate via phone or email, as well as learn more about their needs and the needs of the lead generation industry as a whole. For (more...)

Did You Meet Your LeadsCon Agenda?

It has been one week since LeadsCon and the dust has settled, now is the perfect time to evaluate if you met your LeadsCon agenda. LeadsCon is a great place to improve existing relationships that are typically managed over the phone or email and also to forge new relationships to grow your business, but it is easy to evaluate the ROI of a conference on potential business instead of actual business. While in some cases a detailed analysis is not needed, you do not need to be an excel guru to figure out the ROI on $5244 to give away Girl Scout cookies, but in many cases those new relationships that looked so promising never come to fruition. It is important for your lead generation company to do a post-analysis on conferences and trade shows to ensure you are not wasting money. All that being said, LeadsCon is one of the few targeted conferences for the lead generation (more...)

Don't Forget To Check Out Our New Form Builder

We are proud to release our new form builder, giving you all the advanced options you need to create, test and manage forms. But, unlike other form builders, it is fully integrated with all the boberdoo.com bells & whistles.

boberdoo.com form builder
boberdoo.com has been building lead distribution systems since 2001. Our clients sell every kind of lead under the sun from home improvement to payday and everything in between. Some only sell internet leads. Some only sell phone calls. Others sell both. The goal of this newsletter is to try and keep our clients updated on the latest trends in the industry as well as features within their boberdoo.com system they may not know about. If you have an idea for a topic, please let us know. Thank you for reading our April 2014 newsletter.

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