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8 Reasons You Should Be Using Browser Push Notifications

Web browser push notifications are the next big thing in outbound marketing. You’re probably aware of push notifications sent to your mobile devices via the apps you have installed. However, did you know this same technology can be used to send push notifications to your mobile and desktop web browser? Because push notifications are such a new technology, we decided to put together a complete push notification benefit sheet. See the infographic and detailed explanations below.

8 reasons you should be using browser push notifications - boberdoo.com

1. It’s Free!

This point speaks for itself. While there are several push notification providers, we recommend using the tool called OneSignal which is completely free. Need I say more?

2. Incredibly High Click Through Rate

Browser push notifications are sent directly to the web browser you have open. If your subscriber is on his/her browser when the notification sends, they will see the push notification every time. Even if your browser is closed, you can have your push notifications send when the user next opens their browser. Unlike emails where you have to battle spam filters and spice up your subject line to encourage opens only to hope for clicks, push notifications can return a click through rate of over 30%.

3. Branded Message

Push notifications still allow you to brand your message. You can include your logo in the push notification or even set up multiple domains to send push notifications from multiple brands.

4. Redirect To Any Page

This sounds pretty straightforward, but being able to redirect your user to any URL sets push notifications apart from emails. For example, when sending out an email containing an affiliate link, most inboxes flag this as spam without bothering to look at anything else. Since push notifications send regardless of the content, you can put any link (including affiliate links) in your push notification.

5. Don’t Need To Collect Personal Info

Before sending an email, you need to collect an email address. Before sending an SMS, you need a phone number and in both cases, you probably want to collect additional fields such as first and last name to build a stronger connection to the recipient. With push notifications, all you need is a single opt-in click to start messaging the user. The user does not need to fill out a form or double-opt in, which leads to number 6.

6. Higher Opt-In Rates

To opt into a push notification, a user needs to click on a single button a single time. Furthermore, this button pops on the webpage the user lands on, making it impossible to miss.

7. Lower Opt-Out Rates

Push notifications typically have lower opt-out rates than email or SMS marketing campaigns. A user can opt out of push notifications at the time of receiving a message or by accessing the notification section of their web browser. While your opt-out rate will certainly vary depending on the frequency, relevance and quality of your messages, the opt-out framework of push notifications oftentimes keeps your opt-out rate low.

8. New Unsaturated Marketing Medium

Browser push notifications are still very new to marketers and completely unknown to many end users. By starting now, you can get a jump on your competition by reaching your audience in a new and dynamic way. Furthermore, your subscribers are likely not opted into many (if any) other push notification services, giving you unique access to them and a much higher chance of conversion than you would have had in a crowded email inbox.

At boberdoo, we’re complete believers in push notifications. We use them very frequently to do things as simple as driving traffic to our blog. However, for lead generation companies, push notifications can be a complete game-changer by offering a new and high-converting medium for cross offers and other remarketing effors. We highly encourage all lead generation companies to start by simply putting a push notification opt-in on one of your thank-you pages to see how many opt-ins you get. From there, you can push notifications to your subscribers at any time and experiment with the best ways to drive conversions.

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