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The 3 Ping Post Features Your Business Needs

If you’re already utilizing ping post technology or are on the market for ping post software, that’s great! You’re keeping up with the trends in the lead industry and providing yourself additional opportunities to do business with new buyers and sellers. But don’t crack open a beer, kick up your feet and call it a job well done just yet. Newsflash, not all ping post systems are created equal. Sure all ping post software offers dynamic bidding, but beyond that few solutions on the market present the sophisticated ping post features that allow you to protect and grow your bottom line. If you’re really looking to take advantage of the ping post process, make sure your solution has the following three options.

ping post features

1. Source/Buyer Failsafe

As your network of ping post sellers and buyers grows, so does the probability that things will get a little messy. In the lead industry, everyone knows that the bigger network you have, the better. However, when utilizing ping post technology, this can present a slight issue. Let’s say you are dynamically purchasing leads from Seller A and selling them to Buyer B. If Buyer B ever starts selling leads to Seller A, you’ve got a problem. Not only can this create an endless loop of buying and selling the same lead, if you also generate your own leads there is a possibility that you will buy back the leads you generated. Does your ping post system have a solution to this issue? It should. While this might seem like a rare occurrence, any large lead company can assure you that it is much more common than you think.

2. Advanced Pricing Scenarios

One of the best ping post features for directly increasing your revenue-per-lead is advanced pricing scenarios. In short, this feature takes into account businesses that are selling to some buyers exclusively and others non-exclusively. In some cases, you can make more money per lead by selling it exclusively, but in others, selling the lead multiple times for less will make you more. The pricing scenarios feature tells your system to weigh both options. After sending out the ping and gathering responses, your system will determine if you will make more money by selling the lead exclusively or non-exclusively and then sells to the appropriate buyer(s).

3. Sophisticated Duplicate Checks

With bigger companies sending and receiving well over 100,000 pings per day, it's clear that duplicate checks are extremely important when dealing in ping post. All of the best ping post systems come equipped with a duplicate check on the ping that checks for a number of ping-required fields within the last few minutes. For example, for auto insurance, boberdoo generally checks the lead Source, Zip, Year, Make and Model. If all 5 of these values are detected more than once within the previous 10 minutes, the system will return an error for the duplicate ping.

Download Our Ping Post Whitepaper

As ping post grows, so do your number of options when choosing a ping post system. However, we hope this post has demonstrated the importance of choosing a system with advanced features. With nearly a decade of experience working with ping post, boberdoo has developed the most sophisticated solution on the market. And yes, each boberdoo system comes standard with all of the options listed above. If you would like to learn more about the boberdoo lead distribution system, please don't hesitate to call us at 800-776-5646 or click the red Contact Us tab.

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