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Reports Guide

General Reports

These reports cover general functions of the system.

Admin Leads Report

An administrator-only report that provides extensive information on each transaction within the date range specified, including prices, costs, times sold, lead ID, refund information, source, landing page, and all available information submitted by the source. The most detailed report in the system, reserved for administrators to pinpoint exact errors in the system.

Click Conversion Report

Shows clicks per landing page and leads per landing page, generating a conversion rate. Also includes CPA and EPC information. Find out which landing pages are hooking your leads in the most, and which are turning away potential revenue!

CPA by Partner

This report provides transparency into the Cost-Per-Acquisition of your partners, based on your partner. This transparency allows you to tailor your sources to best meet the CPA goals of your partners. Calculated as Total Sales / Total Closes for the date range

CPA by SRC (Source)

This report provides transparency into the Cost-Per-Acquisition of your sources, based on the incoming source (SRC). This transparency allows you to tailor your sources to best meet the CPA goals of your partners. Calculated as Total Sales / Total Closes for the date range.

IPR Drilldown

This report shows everything you need for phone routing in the time frame. Including duration of calls, how many attempts were made, company name, conversion percentage, revenue vs attempts and more.

Partner List Report

Shows a list of all available partners with contact and account information, as well as any comments. Keep track of your partners with this basic, but highly detailed report.

Payments Report

Shows partner name and company, an ID# for both, and how much that partner has paid towards their account. Hold your partners accountable with this simple report and keep track of their expenses.

Ping Post Buying Rate By Filter Report

This report gives the buying rate for leads via ping post that were based on a specific filter set for a set time-frame.

Ping Post Buying Rate By Filter Set

Shows the partner name, specific filter set, matched pings, total posts, buying rate, post rejects and total sales by filter set.

Ping Post Buying Rate By Source

Shows the source, total and matched pings, total posts, buying rate, post rejects and total sales by source (SRC).

Profit Report

Covers total profit versus costs, commissions, and unmatched leads. The most basic report you can get; keep track of your leads to make sure you’re in the green!

Profit Report by Insert Date

A more advanced profit report that goes into more depth, including money made from matched leads, sales count, and matched lead cost.

Publisher Details Report

Provides information on each source’s leads, including conversion rate, decline, refund, and LeadQC information.

Transaction Report

For each source, shows total accepted, declined, and refunded leads. Get a closer look at each source individually using this report.

Total Leads Sold Report

Shows how many leads have been sold, split into those that have been sold exclusively and those that have been sold total. Make it easy to keep track of your volume and how it’s growing.

Universal Profit Report

This report shows the total profit across all lead types and other details such as: sales, cost, commissions, total profit, total pints, net leads, matched lead and unmatched leads. 

Unique Source Report

Displays how many unique sources a lead type has received information from in alphabetical order. Check out what sources are working for each individual lead type with this report. This report disregards date range.


Lead Reports

These reports cover everything directly related to your leads.

Combined Leads Returned and Lead Sales by Source Report

A combination of Leads Returned by Source and Lead Sales by Source reports.

Combined Lead Status by Partner

View all the different lead statuses, such as closed, dead, working lead, etc. based on all partners combined.

Leads by Hour Report

Displays how many leads are gotten in each hour of the day from the start date to the finish date. Find out which times of day are ideal for your lead sales to optimize your workforce and your pricing. Only looks at start date.

Incoming PingPost API Requests By Lead Type

Most reports within the boberdoo system are broken down by each individual lead type (Health vs. Home Improvement vs. Auto), but this report encompasses all of your lead types into one single report.  It then breaks down the total number of pings and posts that have been received by each lead type, and also provides a total number of pings and posts received for your entire lead system.


Report API By Lead Type

Lead Reject Report

The report identifies leads rejected based on their source.

Lead Sales by Filter Set Report

Shows what partners and filter sets generate the most matches, as well as how many matches each filter set has received. This report can help trim down any excess filter sets and keep your boberdoo system organized, as well as help your most popular filter sets stand out.

Lead Sales by Landing Page Report

Shows numbers of unique leads, flips, refunds, and sales & refund balances for each landing page. This report can help you identify and improve struggling landing pages, as well as point out your most successful pages.

Lead Sales by Source Report

Shows number of unique leads, flips, refunds, and sales & refund balances for each source. Find your most successful or refund-heavy sources with this report as a first step to troubleshooting your sources.

Lead Sales by State Report

Shows what sources have sold leads from which states, as well as graphs this information. Find out where your hottest leads are coming from, and what states bring up the most duds.

Lead Status by SRC (Source)

This report shows the statuses for leads based on what source they are involved with.

Lead Status by Partner

View all the different lead statuses, such as closed, dead, working lead, etc. based on a by partner basis.

Leads Overview by Source Report

Shows total leads from each available source. Find out which sources are providing the most volume for you here.

Leads Overview by Status Report

Shows how many leads are matched, unmatched, or declined within the specified date range. Quality check the path your leads are taking from a bird’s eye view with this useful tool.

Leads Overview by Vendor Report

Shows how many leads were bought from which vendors. This report can tell you which vendors are pulling their weight and which are not as useful.

Leads Accepted/Rejected by Partner Report

Shows sales, sent leads, accepted leads, and rejected leads by partner in a table, as well as a bar graph. Also shows price per lead for any with sold leads. Check what partners are buying or rejecting your leads to make sure you have buyers that are helping your business.

Leads Returned by Landing Page Report

Shows sale and refund information based on the landing page the lead was submitted through. Pinpoint what pages are leading to bogus leads or duplicates to keep your web traffic fresh and interested.

Leads Returned by Source Report

For each source, shows total leads sent, total leads sold, number of flips, leads returned, approved returned leads, and leads declined. Find out which sources are leading to the most refunds with this tool and optimize your volume of successful leads.

Leads Reviewed (Approved/Declined) by User Report

Shows a graph of each user and their total approve/decline rate for manually reviewed leads. For vendors and partners with a workforce, this keeps track of who approves which manually reviewed leads and ensures accountability. A lifesaver for those that manually review leads often!

Leads Sold by Day Report

Shows total, matched, unmatched, declined, and pending leads by day. Keep track of leads at all different stages throughout the week, month, or year and see when your traffic ebbs and flows.

Total Leads Sold Report

Shows how many leads have been sold, split into those that have been sold exclusively and those that have been sold total. Makes it easy to keep track of your volume and how it’s growing.


Landing Page Reports

These reports cover everything directly related to your landing pages.

Click Conversion Report

Shows clicks per landing page and leads per landing page, generating a conversion rate. Also includes CPA and EPC information. Find out which landing pages are hooking your leads in the most, and which are turning away potential revenue!

Landing Page of the Day

Provides a graph of total clicks, leads, and declines per day/week/month/year for different landing pages. Also shows each landing page’s changing stats over a day/week/month/year as a percentage. This report can tell you which landing pages are winners and which are duds to help maximize your web generation.

Leads Returned by Landing Page Report

Shows sale and refund information based on the landing page the lead was submitted through. Pinpoint what pages are leading to bogus leads or duplicates to keep your web traffic fresh and interested.

Lead Sales by Landing Page Report

Shows numbers of unique leads, flips, refunds, and sales & refund balances for each landing page. This report can help you identify and improve struggling landing pages, as well as point out your most successful pages.


Source Reports

These reports cover everything directly related to your sources.

Leads Returned by Source Report

For each source, shows total leads sent, total leads sold, number of flips, leads returned, approved returned leads, and leads declined. Find out which sources are leading to the most refunds with this tool and optimize your volume of successful leads.

Lead Sales by Source Report

Shows the number of unique leads, flips, refunds, and sales & refund balances for each source. Find your most successful or refund-heavy sources with this report as a first step to troubleshooting your sources.

PingPost (Outgoing) Leads Accepted/Rejected by Source

Shows a large amount of ping-post data sorted by source, including pings accepted, posts accepted or rejected, priority levels, and total ping-post sales. Allows a closer look at ping-post sources and how often they provide or reject information.

Profit Reports by Source by Lead Date Report

Shows sales and costs of all leads coming through specific sources, sorted by the date the lead entered the system. Also shows the total number of matched/unmatched leads, and profit.

Profit Report by Source by Transaction Date Report

Shows sales and costs of all leads coming through specific sources, sorted by the date the lead is sold. Also shows the total number of matched/unmatched leads, and profit.

Unique Source Report

Displays how many unique sources a lead type has received information from in alphabetical order. This report disregards date range.

Setting Up Timed Reports With Google Sheets

Error Reports

These reports cover everything directly related to refunds, declines, and duplicate leads.

Duplicate Leads Report
Shows lead type, vendor, lead ID, and source for both the original and duplicate leads. This report will help you find where duplicate leads are coming from and help you optimize your sources and vendors.
leadQC Rejects Report
Shows information on rejected leadQC leads, including rejection date, source, contact information, and the reason for rejection. See how well our leadQC system is working for you!
leadQC Rejects Detailed Report
A more detailed report on leadQC rejects, allowing a closer look at what information is being rejected.

Partner Reports

These reports cover everything directly related to your partners.

Leads Accepted/Rejected by Partner Report
Shows sales, sent leads, accepted leads, and rejected leads by partner in a table, as well as a bar graph. Also shows the price per lead for any with sold leads. This is a quick look at which partners are taking your leads the most, and which are turning them down.
Partner Statistics Report
Shows how many partners in the system are active/not active/temporarily stopped/new in the last 7 days. Keep track of who is going after your leads easily with this report, as well as who is taking a break.
Payments Report

You can filter payments by success and failure for your partners and the amounts. 

Payment Report


Phone Routing Reports

These reports cover everything about live transfers and phone routing

Inbound Phone Billable Minutes

Shows the number, status, network, source, campaign, vertical and billable minutes.

Inbound Phone Caller ID Check Count

This report shows the number of caller ID checks.

Inbound Phone Calls By Hour

Shows the campaign name and the total number of calls for each hour.

Inbound Phone Calls By Hour With Details

Similar to the Inbound Phone Calls By Hour report, but this one can be filtered by lead status.

Inbound Phone Campaign List

Shows the campaign names, verticals, phone numbers and the number of calls received.

Inbound Phone Routing Drilldown Report

This report shows pretty much everything you need if you use phone routing. Such as the calls matched order, company name, attempts, successes, fails, rollback attempts, how much revenue vs. attempts, conversion percentage, average call time and total duration.

Incoming PingPost API Requests By Lead Type

Shows the lead type and the number of pings and posts.


We hope this reports guide has helped you navigate your boberdoo reports. It is important that you test out the reports to see exactly which reports you plan to use and determine if there are any statistics that you are missing.

What's the difference between Insert Date and Transaction Date reports?

Running a report by Insert Date means it pools the leads based on the date they came into the system. A report by Transaction Date pools the leads based on when the last transaction was.
For example:
A lead comes into the system and sells in real-time on 3/31 to Buyer A. Buyer A requests a refund for that lead and it is approved by our client on 4/1. If the report was based on Insert Date, that lead would be included in March's totals. If based on Transaction Date, that lead would be included in April's totals. If a lead comes into the system on 3/31 and goes unmatched, and it is reprocessed on 4/1, the report would be included in March's total based on Insert Date, but included in April's totals based on Transaction Date.

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