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5 Things boberdoo Is Doing For Clients To Prepare For The FCC One-to-One Consent Deadline

If you are in the lead generation industry, you already know how the FCC's one-to-one consent requirement will significantly change how all businesses operate: lead generators, resellers and buyers. boberdoo has taken a stance to be at the forefront of solutions and helping comply with regulations without disrupting business or lead flows. Here are five key implementations that boberdoo has developed for our clients to prepare for the 2025 deadline. Changes in conversion rates, revenue-per-lead and other metrics will certainly vary greatly by vertical, generation method and even company, so it is never to early to start testing.

1. Ensuring The Consumer Talks Only To The Company They Chose


boberdoo prioritizes the consumer-seller relationship by guaranteeing that consumers interact only with the company(ies) they select. This practice eliminates unwanted calls from additional companies for a better consumer experience and reduces legal risks for clients.

Using boberdoo's Dynamic Consent will also help you build a direct line of communication between the consumer and their chosen company(ies) to foster trust and satisfaction, strengthening the relationship between you and your lead buyer. Limiting interactions to the selected company(ies) minimizes the risk of violating the FCC one-to-one consent requirement and even other consumer protection laws, such as CIPA. Also, providing a streamlined, 100% compliant, respectful consumer experience will positively affect your website's reputation and encourage repeat visits.

2. Dynamic TCPA Language Based On Matching Results

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boberdoo's Form Builder incorporates dynamic TCPA language that adjusts what is displayed based on whether there are no matches, an exclusive match, or multiple matches. This sophistication makes the consent language accurate and compliant with regulatory requirements based on the unique experience of the consumer at that point in time. The step-by-step Form Builder wizard makes this process easy so you can create forms that are both compliant and look good. 

3. Do The Research For The Consumer And Add A Revenue Stream

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What will some consumers do when presented with a list of companies? Google them and go to their website, for sure. With Dynamic Consent forms, you can return the company(ies) phone and/or website to the consumer and monetize any research they perform. By giving consumers multiple options for interaction, boberdoo increases the likelihood of successful engagements and conversions.

4. Build A Custom Lead Scoring Tech Stack That Includes Jornaya And/Or TrustedForm In The Form Builder

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boberdoo's Form Builder fully integrates with Jornaya and TrustedForm, adding layers of validation and compliance to the form creation process. These integrations load within the form itself, ensuring all necessary checks are in place. Integrating Jornaya and TrustedForm adds significant value by getting the consent certificate to prove that you are contacting the consumer within the FCC's one-to-one consent requirement. Since these are embedded within the Form Builder wizard, it is easy to add these checks to the workflow. This integration will provide reliable, verifiable data that can be trusted, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

5. Flags In Filter Sets To Accept Only Dynamic Consent Leads

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boberdoo has implemented flags within their filter sets so that Dynamic Consent leads are marked and handled differently in the lead system. This minimizes legal risks and provides peace of mind, as clients can be confident their leads are sent to the right people whether they are exclusive, non-exclusive, require one-to-one consent, or do not. Clear indicators within the lead system help clients quickly identify dynamic consent leads, simplifying lead management. Storing selected matches ensures that even reprocessed leads will only match the originally selected company(ies), maintaining the integrity of the consent.

As the FCC's one-to-one consent deadline approaches, boberdoo clients have already taken the steps in their system to prepare and will be compliant for 2025. If you are curious about how you can use Dynamic Consent for your own business, these are the methods we are using that you can use as well. Schedule a demo today, and we can show you the options available to fit your business best. 

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